Chemistry Pick-up Lines

You're like a benzene ring - stable, perfectly proportioned, and always aromatic.

Even a noble gas would lose its stability for you.

I wish my name was Avogadro because then I'd already know your number.

You must be made of ions because I feel supercharged around you.

My love for you is like a covalent bond, unbreakable.

I'm more attracted to you than an electron is attracted to a proton.

You must be the acid to my litmus paper because I turn bright red every time I meet you.

If you were C6, and I were H12, we'd make the sweetest carbohydrate.

I think you've got a high oxidation number because you're taking my breath away.

Are you a carbon sample? Because I want to date you.

According to the second law of thermodynamics, you're supposed to share your hotness with me.

Are you made of copper and tellurium? Because you are CuTe.

You're the perfect solution to all my problems.

Hey, girl. Can I be the electron to your proton?

I was stable on my own, but around you, I go into an excited state.