Math Pick-up Lines
I wish I was your integral so I could fill the space under your curves.
Your beauty can't be expressed with a linear equation.
Are you a limit? Because as I approach you, my heart tends toward infinity.
You must be the square root of a negative number because you're absolutely unreal.
Are you the solution to a differential equation? Because I've been working hard to find you.
I wish I was your second derivative so I could study your concavity and inflection points.
Are you Euler's number? Because you're naturally beautiful.
Are you the squeeze theorem? Because I wanna take it to the limit and hit it from both ends.
Are you my math homework? Because I want to do you all night.
Even with a calculator, I can't quantify how attractive you are.
Can I factor you into my plans for tonight?
Roses are red, violets are fine, I can be your six, want to be my nine?
I hear you're good at algebra. Could you replace my X with your number?
Are you basic math? Because I'm doing you in my head.
Are you a circle? Because you seem to have no end to your perfection.